MVC Conference 2024 - New Technologies and New Wavelengths for Machine Vision
Download Full Presentation Here This presentation is a brief overview of the typical applications which can be solved with the components and systems ALRAD Instruments provides to the Machine Vision markets with a focus on Infrared (NIR, SWIR, LWIR), Ultraviolet and Polarised Light imaging:
- Short Wave Infrared Imaging – SWIR region 1.1µm ~ 3.0 µm
- New Technology – Low Cost CMOS based SWIR Camera
- SWIR imaging and Applications
- Free Space Optical Communications (FSO) & Adaptive Optics with SWIR Imaging
- Conventional HyperSpectral Imaging (HIS) and New Developments in HyperSpectral Imaging (HIS)
- Imaging applications in the Ultraviolet UV region 100~400nm
- UV Light Imaging and UV Fluorescence Imaging
- Ultraviolet UV Lens, filter and Illumination technology
- Polarising cameras and their applications including stress measurement.
- Surface Flaw Detection with "OneShotBRDF®"
- Contact Image Sensors (CIS) for imaging in UV, Visible and NIR regions
- ALRAD contact details for further questions and information.