Blue Laser Diode Modules - Alrad

Blue Laser Diode Modules

Blue Laser Diode Modules

Blue laser modules are available at 375nm, 405nm, 440nm, 473nm and 488nm wavelengths. Blue Laser Modules are fully self-contained with an integrated precision temperature controller (TEC), laser driver circuit, polished glass aspherical lens, and laser diode in a compact package with wall-plug power supply.

Precise TEC temperature control results in excellent power and wavelength stability, low noise and long lifetime. Other unique properties include collimated clean beam, and low divergence for applications in the field of bio-sciences for excitation of a wide range of fluorescence probes, imaging, light scattering and other bio-instrumentation.

Blue laser modules are available with TTL modulation, circular; beam, beam shaping optics and fiber coupling.