The SE960-HP/SE965-HP is the benchmark in 1D scanning. It packs the largest feature set into one of the smallest engines available, creating an engine that offers best-in-class scanning performance, range, application flexibility, reliability and durability. Our patented
Adaptive Scanning technology automatically toggles between a wide and narrow scan angle until a bar code is detected, allowing users to zoom in on bar codes as far as 17 ft./5.1 m and zoom out to capture bar codes at near contact—the widest working range in this class. Enhanced Aim enables workers to see the scan line at longer distances.* Low power consumption helps your products conserve battery power for extended use. And the ability to continuously scan with a single trigger pull is ideal for conveyor belt and pick-list applications.* The result is an engine that can increase the performance and functionality of your existing product line and open the door for the development of new products, applications and markets.
Adaptive scanning, aggressive scanning performance and a wide working range work hand-in-hand to enable the rapid and accurate scanning of bar codes workers need to improve productivity. Workers enjoy first time every time dependable scanning on any 1-D bar code, regardless of lighting.
Since the tiny SE96X is the size of a sugar cube, it can fit into the most space constrained products for superior product design flexibility. In addition, you can cost-effectively upgrade your products to offer better 1-D scanning performance over a much greater range — you can easily swap existing SE95X scan engines with the new SE96X, without changing your existing opto-mechanical or electrical design. We also provide a suite of tools to assist you with integration, from a detailed Integration Guide to Developers Kits. And for many OEM customers, the regulatory process will be shorter, thanks to built-in fault protection mechanisms and laser safety testing that has already been performed.*
A unique combination of features provides worry-free scanning capability for you and your customers while your products remain in the field, providing a low total cost of ownership (TCO) for your customers. The patented Liquid Polymer scan engine is frictionless and will not wear out. The patented die cast chassis delivers the industry’s best rating for reliability — dependable operation, even after a shock as great as 2,000Gs. And we’re so confident that we’ve built the SE96X to last, we offer a lifetime warranty on the motor, protecting your margins and your profitability.
When you choose the SE96X, you get the peace of mind that comes from choosing superior, well-tested technology. Every day, all around the world, our OEM products power millions of devices in thousands of applications across industries. You enjoy award-winning data capture technology, ease of integration, high reliability and superior performance you need to enable the rapid yet cost-effective design of high-quality solutions that meet the needs of your customers — and improve your margins.
Large working range from near contact to 200 in./508 cm. Meets the needs of a wide range of markets and applications.
Small and lightweight. Easy integration into product designs; fits in the smallest and most space constrained products.
Adaptive scanning. Automatically optimizes scanning parameters to create an extraordinary extended working range for easy scanning of bar codes that are near and far.
104 scans per second. Aggressive performance and accurate capture of all bar codes — even damaged and poor quality; increases productivity and accuracy in customer applications.
Patented Liquid Polymer scan element with lifetime warranty. Eliminates friction and wear for superior durability and reliability.
Die cast zinc chassis and single board construction. Shock rating of 2,000G for outstanding durability.
Programmable scan angle. Provides additional flexibility — easily and cost-effectively customize products for specific applications and customers.