Industrial Proximity Linear Camera
- Image Length: 0.25 - 1.25 meters (Up to 3.0 meters of longer)
- Resolution: 300, 600, 1200 DPI
- Scan Rate: 100 Hz - 18 KHz lines per second @ 600 DPI
- Pixel Clock Rate: 8MHz fixed
- Exposure Control: 50us - 10ms
- Interface: Camera Link
- Output: One Camera link per 0.25 meters
- Connector: 26-pin MDR
- Light Source Control: 4 different light sources
- Operating Temperature: 0 - 50 Degrees C, stationary ambient air, freestanding
- Power Supply: 5V DC
- Glass inspection
- LCD, OLED process inspection
- LCD, OLED panel inspection
- Thin film solar panel process inspection
- LCD back light panel inspection
- PCB inspection
- Web inspection
- Printing press inspection
- Textile inspection
- Metal can inspection
- Any flat surface